The Top Things You Need To Know When Travelling To India

India is a mystical place that is known for its natural beauty and rich culture. Its flora and fauna are amongst the most diverse on planet earth. Not only this, India has a wide diversity when it comes to people. There are different religions, different languages and different cultures all across the country making it one of the most culturally rich countries on the planet. All these things coupled with its beautiful history, make India one of the best places to travel to in the whole wide world. India is a country known for its mountains, beaches, forests, culture rich cities with huge monumental buildings belonging to different eras. It is almost perfect. Well yes, almost.

Apart from all the good things that this culture rich country houses within its boundaries, there are certain things, albeit small ones, that can be really annoying and these are the things that every traveller needs to know when travelling to India. For first timers, India can be quite overwhelming. There is a lot going on in the country all the time and the experience itself can be quite challenging for those who set foot on Indian soil for the first time. Some might fall in love and some might never want to come back. So here are a few things that you need to know when travelling to India
  •  Don’t get duped. Yes, you can get duped by a lot of people who are in it just for the money. Indian people are really good, but like people everywhere, some can be really clever to cheat you off your money so you need to be really careful with that. Right from booking your flights to India to the point you get back home, you need to be sure that you do not trust anyone right away. For example, when you buy tickets to India, buy from a reliable vendor that offers the best prices and services. People will offer you lots of things and may show you the dreams of buying the Taj Mahal for you, but you need to be aware that it’s all folly.
  •   Be aware of the smells. India has a large population. In fact, it has the second largest population in the world after China and there are a lot of people, everywhere you go. You will witness cattle, canines and well humans all around. From spices, incense and well, human smells, there will be a lot to experience. Some you will like, some you will not.
  •  Know the basics. India is a culturally rich country with high belief in religion and any show of  skin or nudity is unacceptable. A lot of people are put off by any kind of inappropriate  behaviour that you might exhibit publically. So, you need to be aware of the fact that western  behaviour is at certain places, unacceptable.  Being gentle to the people and treating them with  respect is the key when travelling to India. People here are quite loving and will generally  respond in a very happy and welcoming way. Say “Namaste” and you will definitely be greeted with a smile, instantly.
  • Eating and drinking. Tap water is a strict no. Don’t even think about it. Indians are immune to it. You are not. So ensure that you drink clean and fresh water at all times from either a filter or a packaged water bottle. The food in India is usually spicy. But there is nothing like it. You have to check out all the local favourites when travelling to the different parts of the country. Just make sure that you eat from a hygienic and clean outlet. Indian street food is famous all over the world and you need to make sure that you eat from a vendor who serves hygienic food only. 
  • Stay safe. India is generally a safe country and foreigners are welcomed all over the country. However, like all places in the world, sometimes it might become unsafe for a foreign national to travel alone in India. You need to know that you can’t trust people just like that, you can’t venture out alone at unknown places and you need to have some company of a trusted individual.

Apart from all these things, there is hardly anything that you won’t like about India. It is a beautiful country with beautiful people. There is a lot to do and see and you need to have at least a month to spare from your calendar when travelling to India. Make sure you pack all kinds of clothes for different weathers across the country and that you eat and drink the right things. Once you’ve seen the whole country, you will leave with a lot of happy and unforgettable memories that will last for a lifetime. 


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